Thursday, October 7, 2010

Upcoming Craft Shows for October, November and December 2010

Oct. 9-10, 2010:  Dewey-Humbolt Agua Fria Festival
Oct. 16, 2010:  Girlfriends Craft House in Glendale
Oct. 26, 2010:  AZ Health Fair at St. Katherine's  Greek Orthodox Church in Chandler (Dobson & Elliot Rds), 10 am to 3 pm
Nov. 6, 2010: Milestones Charter School
Nov. 26 & 17, 2010: 
Girlfriends Craft House in Glendale
Dec. 3 & 4, 2010:  Girlfriends Craft House in Glendale
Dec. 10 & 11, 2010:  Girlfriends Craft House in Glendale
Dec. 17 & 18:  Girlfriends Craft House in Glendale

Hope to see you out there!
